Wilder Elementary School Policies
- School Administration
- Mission and Vision
- Arrival Procedures
- Afterschool Pick-Up
- Early Dismissal | Alternate Transportation
- Tardy Policy
- Dress Code
- Bus Routes
School Administration
Mission and Vision
Our Mission
Wilder Elementary School’s mission is to educate all, by providing innovative learning experiences in a diverse environment that fosters academic excellence and good citizenship.
Our Vision
Wilder Elementary students will be life-long, self-directed, responsible and caring learners who will shape tomorrow’s future.
Arrival Procedures
Automobile Drop-off
- All car rider pick-up and drop-off is out in front of the school.
- Parking spots on the left, traffic lane in center, pick-up/drop-off at the curb (ONLY)
- This is in the interest of safety. We need to account for all students, and assure that they are under adult supervision at all times. We cannot monitor vehicles away from the car area.
Walkers and Daycare Van Transportation
- All morning walkers should use the front gate and enter through the front of the building.
- Daycare vans who drop off in the morning will let students off in the back of the school and students will enter through the busport doors.
Bus Transportation
- Students are expected to exhibit proper behavior on the bus. Riding is a privilege and inappropriate behavior on the bus will be dealt with swiftly.
Afterschool Pick-Up
Please understand that students are released by 2:15 p.m. and are required to follow the designated drop off areas listed below. We also ask that you not sign your child out early after 1:45 p.m. unless there is an emergency or doctor’s appointment.
CAR RIDERS-The horseshoe on S. Main St. is the only drop/off pick up area. If you have a conference, we ask that you park in the parking spaces provided in the front of the school.
WALKERS-All walkers will exit at the front walker gate by the school marquee on South Main or through the Pavilion gate on South Main. Parents please do not park in the church parking lot or on Newberry and South Main.
DAY CARE RIDERS -If the day care bus arrives before 2:30, day care riders will report to the bus port. After 2:30, day care riders will report to the front car pick up.
BUS RIDERS-All bus riders report to the bus port at the end of the 100 Bldg (4th grade hall). Special needs bus riders report to the bus port on Floral Ave (back of the school).
Early Dismissal | Alternate Transportation
If it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please send a note to inform the teacher of the time. If you forget to send a note, you must email both the homeroom teacher and the school's receptionist, Ms. Cousar.**
Please do not pick up students after 1:30 p.m. for an early dismissal unless it is necessary for a medical/dental appointment. This time is crucial in the classroom to conclude the day and prepare for the following day as well.
**A note is required for any alteration in the means by which your child will depart the campus.
To ensure the safety of all children, it will be necessary that each child be signed out in the main office by a parent/guardian or other adult with permission from the parent/guardian as listed on the emergency card. The adult must present a picture ID to the receptionist at this time.
Tardy Policy
School District policy states that unexcused tardiness is defined as not being in the classroom at the time a class period begins unless there is a valid reason for being late, such as: illness, doctor/dental appointments, family emergencies, or other justifiable reasons. School attendance is important to Academic success. Wilder Elementary strives to ensure every student receives a quality education. When a student is tardy, it affects everyone
- Teachers begin class at 7:30 a.m. each day.
- Your child is considered late after 7:35 a.m. You must come in the building to our attendance clerk and sign your child in so he/she can receive a tardy slip to enter class. If you do not sign your child in, your child will not be allowed to go to class.
- Attendance Tardy Policy. Wilder’s tardy policy is as follows:
- Student tardy five (5) times Referral to school Guidance Counselor/Social Worker
- Student tardy six (6) times School Intervention Plan
(Failure to attend the Intervention meeting will result in student suspension pending parent conference).
- Student tardy seven (7) times Referral to the District Office Attendance Officer.
Dress Code
Wilder’s School Attire Initiative:
We appreciate your support in taking part of this initiative, promoting safety, and a focus on academics.
We do not have a mandatory dress code; however, our preferred dress code is as follows:
Students may wear navy or khaki bottoms (shorts, pants, skirts, shorts, capris, cargo pants, jumpers, etc.) and white, navy blue or light blue tops (polo type shirts, blouses, short or long sleeves, etc.)
On Spirit Day Fridays, students wear their Wilder Gear to show their school spirit.
Wilder Elementary continues to follow district policy within the school attire initiative.
Sumter School District Policy
JICA Student Dress
Students will dress and groom in a clean and neat manner which does not distract or interfere with the operation of the school. Student attire should not be destructive to school property or be immodest or revealing and should comply with requirements for health and safety. Clothing that will cause or is likely to cause disruption of the learning process of others may not be worn.
The following are not to be worn by students.
- Hats, bandannas, scarves, gloves, shower caps, hair combs, picks, curlers or hairnets and sweatbands, or any other unauthorized head covering.
- Sunglasses or goggles (inside building), except prescription sunglasses upon medical orders
- Cut-off clothing unless it is cuffed or hemmed
- Gang-related colors, jewelry or insignia
- Gym shorts, fishnet shirts or blouses, tank tops, halters, cut or torn clothing, tube tops, t-strap tops, tops which show the abdomen, midriff or inner arm pit areas; see-through garments or underwear worn as outer clothing (proper undergarments will be worn at all times)
- Footies, pajamas, house shoes or bedroom slippers (students must wear appropriate footwear at all times; shoes will be worn for safety and health reasons; no person should be barefoot at school; shoes, sneakers, boots, etc., must be laced up and tied)
- Lycra or spandex clothing or any excessively tight clothing (leggings may be worn under shorts or dresses provided that the shorts or dresses meet the length standards)
- Any clothing or accessories with profanity or distasteful depictions; advertising for drugs, beer or tobacco companies; or “political statements” advocating violation of law
- Any attire deemed by the administration to be unsuitable or disruptive to the educational or cultural climate of the school
Hats and gloves may be worn to school but not inside the school building.
Shorts, shorts skirts, skorts, etc., must be no shorter than three inches above the knee.
Boxer shorts may not be worn as outside clothing, Biker shorts, spandex shorts and umbro shorts may not be worn.
Jeans or pants with holes may be worn only when the holes are not deemed indecent.
No sagging pants, shorts, skirts, etc. are allowed. These items should be worn above the hip.
Belts must be kept buckled. Suspenders or overall straps must be hooked and kept on shoulders.
All clothing must be sized appropriately. Clothing must be decent, clean and properly worn at all times. Shirts (male or female) must be tucked in. This includes t-shirts and garments worn as undershirts or over shirts. Mid-length blouses that are made to be worn out and do not otherwise violate the dress code are legal. Having shirt tails tucked in is a safety and security issue. Administrators reserve the right to have students tuck in shirts upon request and wear belts at the waist if clothing appears to be inappropriately sized.
Staff members have the authority to confiscate inappropriate items such as hats or sunglasses worn in the building. These items will be held by the school and the school is not responsible if the items are damaged, stolen or lost.
Any student found to be in violation of the dress code will be required to report to the office to call someone to bring an appropriate change of clothes and/or to receive disciplinary action.
Bus Routes
Route 204 Starts at 6:20 AM
Watts & Ford — Hodge & Perry — Hilldale & Clay — Shallowford & Jenson — Garrison & Shallowford — Garrison & Beckridge — Beckridge & Orvis — Briarbend & Shallowford — Treetop Ct & Treetop Lane — Kingsbury & Tanglewood — Avalon & Avalon Ct — Warwick Dr & Fairlawn — Warwick Dr & Warwick Ct — Kingsbury & Gin Branch — 2nd Kingsbury & Tanglewood — Stadium Rd & Vintage Dr — Kingsbury & Lois Lane
Route 204 Starts at 2:15 PM
Kingsbury Dr & Lois Lane – Stadium Rd & Vintage Dr — 2nd Kingsbury & Tanglewood — Kingsbury Dr & Gin Branch — Avalon & Avalon Ct — Warwick & Fairlawn — Warwick Dr & Warwick Ct — Kingsbury Dr & Tanglewood — Treetop Ct & Treetop Lane — Briarbend & Shallowford — Beckridge & Orvis — Garrison & Beckridge — Garrison & Shallowford — Shallowford & Jenson — Hilldale & Clay — Hodge & Perry — Watts & Ford
Route 211 Starts at 6:15 AM
2nd Rockdale &Willcroft — Franfisher & Katwallace Circle — 1st Rockdale & Stonecroft — Rockdale & Rockdale Blvd — 3220 Ashlynn Way — Inabinett & Tamarah Way — Tamarah Way & Inabinett — Malone Dr & Malone Dr — Falling Water & Tamarah Way — Fallingwater & Meadowcroft — Kari & Meadowcroft — Caitlynn & Meadowcroft — Ashlynn Way & Caitlynn — Twin Lakes Dr & McCrays Mill Rd — Twin Lakes Dr & Kentwood — Rock & Twin Lakes Dr — Ridgehill & Twin Lakes Dr — SunValley & Falling Water — SunValley & Black Oak — SunValley & Shoreland — Kolb & Carriage
Route 211 Starts at 2:15 PM
Kolb & Carriage — Sun Valley & Shoreland — Sun Valley & Black Oak — SunValley & Falling Water — Twin Lakes & Ridgehill — Rock & Twin Lakes — Twin Lakes & Kentwood — Twin Lakes & McCrays Mill — Ashlynn & Caitlynn — Meadowcroft & Caitlynn — Kari & Meadowcroft — Fallingwater & Meadowcroft — Fallingwater & Tamarah Way — Malone & Malone — Tamarah & Inabinett — Inabinet & Tamarah Way — 3220 Ashlynn Way — Rockdale & Willcroft — Franfisher & Katwallace Circle — Rockdale & Stonecroft — Rockdale & Rockdale
Route 216 Starts at 6:15 AM
Kolb & Burning Tree — Kolb & Edmunds — Morris Way Dr & Sansbury Ln — Waterway & Morris Way Dr — Sandspur & Lorentz — Old Pocalla & Roosevelt — 1127 Old Pocalla Rd (Union Hall) — S Guignard Pkwy & Frank St — 23 Callen Dr — Manning Rd & Wayne — Manning Rd & Dollard — Manning Rd & W Patricia Dr
Route 216 Starts at 2:15 PM
Old Pocalla & Roosevelt — Old Pocalla & Union Hall — S Guignard Parkway & Frank — 23 Callen Dr — Manning Ave & Wayne — Manning Ave & Dollard Dr — Manning Ave & W Patricia — Morris Way Dr & Sansbury Ln — Waterway & Morris Way Dr — Sandspur & Lorentz — Kolb & Edmunds — Kolb & Burning Tree