School District policy states that unexcused tardiness is defined as not being in the classroom at the time a class period begins unless there is a valid reason for being late, such as: illness, doctor/dental appointments, family emergencies, or other justifiable reasons. School attendance is important to Academic success. Wilder Elementary strives to ensure every student receives a quality education. When a student is tardy, it affects everyone
- Teachers begin class at 7:30 a.m. each day.
- Your child is considered late after 7:35 a.m. You must come in the building to our attendance clerk and sign your child in so he/she can receive a tardy slip to enter class. If you do not sign your child in, your child will not be allowed to go to class.
- Attendance Tardy Policy. Wilder’s tardy policy is as follows:
- Student tardy five (5) times Referral to school Guidance Counselor/Social Worker
- Student tardy six (6) times School Intervention Plan
(Failure to attend the Intervention meeting will result in student suspension pending parent conference).
- Student tardy seven (7) times Referral to the District Office Attendance Officer.