School District policy states that unexcused tardiness is defined as not being in the classroom at the time a class period begins unless there is a valid reason for being late, such as: illness, doctor/dental appointments, family emergencies, or other justifiable reasons. School attendance is important to Academic success. Wilder Elementary strives to ensure every student receives a quality education.  When a student is tardy, it affects everyone

  • Teachers begin class  at 7:30 a.m. each day.
  • Your child is considered late after 7:35 a.m. You must come in the building to our attendance clerk and sign your child in so he/she can receive a tardy slip to enter class. If you do not sign your child in, your child will not be allowed to go to class.
  • Attendance Tardy Policy.  Wilder’s tardy policy is as follows:
    1. Student tardy five (5) times Referral to school Guidance Counselor/Social Worker
    2. Student tardy six (6) times School Intervention Plan

    (Failure to attend the Intervention meeting will result in student suspension pending parent conference).

    1. Student tardy seven (7) times Referral to the District Office Attendance Officer.